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Introducing: Helkoryo

Another talented artist joining Wraptious! Helkoryo came to us through our Autumn artist competition, and we absolutely love her vibrant, colourful artworks! You can now find her designs as a Wraptious giftware range. Here's a little more about her!

Where are you based?

I live in Northamptonshire now but was born and grew up in Horley in Surrey

What mediums do you work in?

Photography, digital art and design

Which artists do you admire or have influenced you?

No particular artist as my taste tends to change with my mood (and the seasons) I find I am always drawn to anything animal and wildlife but in the colder months of course vibrant colours and I also like complicated colourful abstracts. I like to use umbrellas in much of my artwork as they symbolise protection, both from the world and the elements. They create a place to hide and feel safe I guess.

What’s your top tip for other artists?

You are your own best judge, always work in the direction your heart takes you.

What is your favourite piece of your own work and why?

Oh this question is such a tough one..... I guess it would have to be "On the way home" the abstract feel of the crazy world, the rain and her thoughts of colours to cheer her along the way walking home in the rain. Trying to cheer up life when it's not so good has a big impact on my work and she epitomises that whole vibe for me. The same applied with my photography; I just used to want to show the world the way I see things not necessarily how they actually are.

What would your dream job be?

Being not so young as some I don't really have a dream job. Twee though it might sound I think my dream overall would be for my artwork to adorn walls and soft furnishings in homes and offices to bring the warmth and cheer to others that it brings to me.

Where do you create art, and why?

I currently work in my dining room because it is warm and light, the conservatory is just behind me and my camera is usually ready on the table. I can turn and watch the squirrels and birds playing in the garden anytime I feel the need for a break and I love it.

Favourite quote!

"Happiness is, someone to love, something to do and something to look forward to". ~ passed on to me by my grandfather who was a sign writer and engraver many years ago, he used to say "Tick those three boxes and all will be well."

What three things would you take on a desert island?

Leatherman multitool, a lighter and some kind of wind up or solar music device... yup practicality all the way!

Find Helkoryo's work on her Wraptious page or give her a follow at @Helkoryo


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