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Interview With: Bespoke artist Libby Page

One of the things we love most about our bespoke service is how it has connected us with artists all over the world - all with different styles and stories to tell. Libby Page is one of these artists, and has work in private collections in America, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, France and the UK. Here's what she has to say about her unique style, and how she runs her art as a business.

1) Where are you based?

I'm based in Berlin, where I have an artist studio.

2) What are you currently working on?

My current project is to bring the beauty of nature to the city dwellers. My artwork aims to push at the boundaries of traditional landscape, and aims to capture the experience of being in nature, and the wish to feel enveloped in colour and light. 

3) How to do you balance being an artist, and running a business?

I actually like planning, I like being organised. It's like I've got two separate personalities - and one is actually quite organised. So I'll get the planner out and work out how many days I've got to do this many paintings... even how many hours I can spend on each one. It helps me as it stops me procrastinating. It also helps me keep a tab on how much time I've spent on each painting, so I can calculate the prices.

4) How do you reach your customers?

My experience so far has been that it is best to grow contacts slowly and naturally.

Through the different places I have lived, the UK, France, Germany, and through the jobs I have had before painting full time, (working on a luxury hotel barge was one of them!) I have met lots of people from countries all over the world. I really like people, I take a genuine interest in who they are and this is reciprocated. People take an interest in me and my work and this leads to sales be it cushions or an original oil painting.

5) Do you have any tips for other artists?

My marketing tip to your readers would be to think about where their 'village' is. Who are the people you know, that you can meet physically or engage with in real dialogue through social media? Who are the people that you know that are interested in you and your work? People that your meet at your day job? Friends of friends? Build those relationships, even if there are just 5 of them, it is a much more pleasant experience than sending your work out into the void. 

Also, get out there, physically. Do events, be it exhibitions, market stands or selling your wares at a friends' fundraiser. When you meet real people, engage with them, take an interest in them, do make sure you get their email address and stay in touch. Invite them to your shows, tell them about your latest products, don't be shy! Remember that you are an exciting and interesting thing in their lives. It is a much slower process than sending ads out on social media, but much more rewarding. Your mailing list is precious, build it slowly and with care. 

When you meet real people, engage with them, take an interest in them, do make sure you get their email address and stay in touch

6) How does a typical day go for you?

My ideal day is to get up early, between 5-6 and ease my way into the day with meditation, writing. Then I hop on my bike and head into the studio for around 8am. Some days I scrap the gentle start and just hop on the bike and start painting super early as I love looking at the clock when its 9am and I've already got a chunk of painting done. I tend to paint until 12 and then my tummy rings like French church bells and tells me that it's time for lunch. I am currently trying to take a 'proper' lunch break, go outside, read a book and not be tempted to check emails or just carry on painting through the mouthfuls. Its not very good to have a sandwich in one hand and cadmium red, which is poisonous, in the other!

7) And finally, which artists have inspired your style?

A range of different artists, from Andre Derain to contemporary painters such as Peter Doig and David Hockney.

You can find more of Libby's work on her website, as well as her beautiful bespoke cushions.

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